Wargaming NA recently teased players with a T92 Light Tank in one of their videos, now World of Tanks Russian VK page releases a stat card for it and saying they are now ready to share more information and re-introduced the tank to Supertest as a Tier VIII.
The tank was first introduced to Supertest back in July 2016 as a Tier VII, but only now could be coming to the game. With the introduction of Tier X Light Tanks, the game needs a few high tier Light Tanks for some nations and the T92 Light Tank is one that could be coming soon to the game.
With a single shot gun dealing 150 average damage, players will notice that is feels similar to the M41 Walker-Bulldog, with less mobility but better gun stabilization while moving.
In my opinion, there are several branches and nations who need some premium vehicle added to it, so this would be a welcomed introduction for me. What about you, would you like to see this tank added to the game?
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